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Media Findings of Rou Ling Zhi News

A Man in reservoir picked up a large piece of meat worth 100 million yen, which is actually the millennium age Rou Ling Zhi

[Science and Technology News] On September 2, a man in reservoir picked up a large piece of meat worth 100 million yuan. After identification, he turned out to be an age Rou Ling Zhi and worth 100 million, which is shocking.

Mr. Li told reporters that this baby has "skin" and "meat", and "meat" is very tender and smooth. At that time, I took it back and changed the water to be very sticky. Mr. Li said that this Rou Ling Zhi would grow by itself and secrete some substances.

Modern research shows that Rou Ling Zhi is extremely vital and is the origin of all living things. It can be kept in water for 20 years, can not rot, and odor, and can maintain biological activity for a long time. And has a strong rebirth, cut a piece can be revived in one place.

The legendary elixir "too old"

A man named Xu of Changchun, Jilin, accidentally picked up an unidentified object weighing 25 kilograms. He took it home and washed it. He suspected it was the legendary elixir "Tai Sui", and some collectors have proposed a transaction of 50,000 Yen. But was rejected by Xu Nan. Rou Ling Zhi is also known as "Tai Sui". Its market value is as high as 40,000 US dollars per gram, which is extremely rare.

Mr. Zhang said he stepped on "Tai Sui" by a flower pond, allegedly worth at least 9 million 

Farmer gained 70KG Tai Sui and earns 3.54 million

Man fishing to catch monsters: After identification, it was the treasure that Qin Shihuang was looking for! It's amazing!

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