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靈芝王生命液| Ty-e Life Cure

樂生命 |靈芝王生命液

樂生命 |靈芝王生命液

美國少校安東尼的兒子 Ken Alico博士


Ken Alico 給中國朋友的信


1999年12月我父親83歲時,被診斷出患前列惡疾,醫生告訴他只能再活6個月。 2000年4月中旬他己經病入膏盲,這時,他開始服用“Ty-e”。 2000年8月他的前列惡疾奇蹟般地康復了。直到現在他還在服用“Ty-e”,身體非常健康。目前,他每個星期有五天都在一家健康俱樂部裡度過。


肯特.艾立克(​​Ken 'Alico) 2004.10.9.

Ken Alico給中國朋友的信 2004.10.9.

H.L. Chow saw his father suffer and die from serious disease. There was nothing available for him to take which would help his body’s immune system win the fight against the disease. That became the motivation for many years of intense research and testing to develop Ty-e. He has made Ty-e the best all natural product for your health.

In December of 1999 at age 83, my dad was diagnosed with prostate cancxx. He was given six months to live.

By the middle of April 2000 he was very seriously ill. That is when he started using Ty-e. By August of 2000 the cancxx was gone. Today he is in excellent health and still uses Ty-e. He now works out at a health club 5 days

a week.

Whether you use Ty-e because of ill health, or for general health purposes, or are an athlete pushing yourself to maximum performance, it is our pledge to you that Ty-e shall always be the best product in the world, for your health needs.

Ken Alico


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